Friday, July 18, 2008

Starting to Move

I can't believe how quickly this past week has passed. I've not quite been home for two weeks and I already have done more than I feel like I've ever done in that short a span pre-mission. Maybe I did actually learn how to work a little harder out there.
So, I am again employed by Adventure 16 Outdoor and Travel Outfitters. I start on Monday. I've been shopping for a MacBook, because I am absolutely enthralled by their ease of use- having grown up with a father who lost most of his hair due to the fact that he's a computer programmer on DOS based machines (admittedly, I caused whatever hair may have been remaining to abandon it's post). Hopefully I'll be able to save up over a couple of months and get one of them-thar newfangled lap-desk-micro-apple-chip doo-dads. I'll be meeting with a counselor at Grossmont College on Monday to try to begin to plan out my educational path for the next little while. I'd like to have a newer car that I don't have to worry about breaking down if I take a trip in it. (Read: Subaru). Oh, did I mention that all of my belongings are scattered throughout the several rooms and storage spaces in this unfamiliar house my parents moved into while I was on my mission for the last two years? Well, they are.
Also, I'm being taken to a dance tonight- not entirely against my will, since I've been invited roughly 15 times by various friends- but I'm certainly not overjoyed about the prospect of hideously awkward conversations yelled over terrible music at a church singles dance. No offense to those who organize them, my social tendancies just seem to clash horrendously with mixers of this manner. Should I change, try to enjoy them? Probably. Will I try very hard at this point? Nope.

Hmm, that's a rather negative note to finish on- so I'll have to find something more positive to close with. Give me a minute whilst I sally forth to switch out my wash...

Ok, so I have a bad attitude about a few things- I'll be the first to tell you just how far from perfect I am. Well, now that it's about 10 minutes till the thing starts, mabye I'll shower and get out there to see what happens.

I'd rather stay home and write a letter.


Unknown said...

Jeez Bob,

Now I have to add your blog to my read list? Well, at least it's a good read. Welcome back man and it's cool to see you're back where we met.

J. ILL said...

hey i'm loving the picture your words are painting buddy.

Christina said...

You're getting a Mac! I'm so proud! I have a Macbook and I love it!

How's everything going? Sorry, I left right after you came home! I'm bummed we can't hang out!